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', $parent_group_end_string = '', $child_start_string = '
  • ', $child_end_string = '
  • ', $spacer_string = '', $spacer_multiplier = 1; function osC_CategoryTree($load_from_database = true) { global $languages_id; $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by c.parent_id, c.sort_order, cd.categories_name"); $this->data = array(); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { // Ultimate SEO URLs compatibility - Chemo # initialize array container for parent_id $p = array(); tep_get_parent_categories($p, $categories['parent_id']); # For some reason it seems to return in reverse order so reverse the array $p = array_reverse($p); # Implode the array to get the parent category path $cID = (implode('_', $p) ? implode('_', $p) . '_' . $categories['parent_id'] : $categories['parent_id']); # initialize array container for category_id $c = array(); tep_get_parent_categories($c, $categories['categories_id']); # For some reason it seems to return in reverse order so reverse the array $c = array_reverse($c); # Implode the array to get the full category path $id = (implode('_', $c) ? implode('_', $c) . '_' . $categories['categories_id'] : $categories['categories_id']); $this->data[$cID][$id] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'count' => 0); } // eof While loop } //eof Function function buildBranch($parent_id, $level = 0) { $result = $this->parent_group_start_string; if (isset($this->data[$parent_id])) { foreach ($this->data[$parent_id] as $category_id => $category) { $category_link = $category_id; $result .= $this->child_start_string; if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) $result .= $this->parent_start_string; if ($level == 0) $result .= $this->root_start_string; $result .= str_repeat($this->spacer_string, $this->spacer_multiplier * $level) . ''; $result .= $category['name']; $result .= ''; if ($level == 0) $result .= $this->root_end_string; if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) $result .= $this->parent_end_string; $result .= $this->child_end_string; if (isset($this->data[$category_id]) && (($this->max_level == '0') || ($this->max_level > $level+1))) $result .= $this->buildBranch($category_id, $level+1); } } $result .= $this->parent_group_end_string; return $result; } function buildTree() { return $this->buildBranch($this->root_category_id); } } ?>